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Knife Painting in Acrylic with Beki Borman 

Saturday, October 7:  9 am-2 pm 

Paint with thick creamy paint and create vibrant, colorful surfaces. Knife painting allows the artist to loosen up and achieve a more impressionistic look. Working from photo, students will learn how to handle painting knives in order to achieve unique texture on their paintings. Techniques in knife manipulation with be covered as well as direct painting methods and color observation. This class is best for students with some basic painting experience. A supply list is available online. 

$82 CCC Members / $98 Non-Members 

Supply List

Painting/palette knives (at least 3 different sizes/types)

Palette – a large flat surface works best (sheet of glass or plexi glass, paper plates work as well)

Jar for water or medium - a spray bottle

Paper towel or cotton rags

Acrylic paint (heavy body) 5oz tubes or larger: cadmium red, quinacridone red, cadmium yellow, pthalo blue, titanium white, (colors are just a recommendation, additional colors optional) -

(2) canvas panels or wood panels (not stretched canvas) - 11” x 14” recommended -

Optional: Photographs to work from

10/7 Knife Painting in Acrylic with Beki Borman



    Please note: All performance admissions and class registration fees are non-refundable, but may be transferrable to another person for the same event or class. Please contact the CCC at 262-375-3676 if you are unable to attend.

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