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Step by Step Watercolor with Kari Anderson 
Thursday and Friday, May 2 & 3:  9:30 am-4 pm 
Enjoy two days of watercolor painting with Door County artist and instructor, Kari Anderson, in the newly renovated CCC classroom. We will be exploring springtime landscapes, sun and clouds, birch trees, water, shadows and florals. You will love Kari’s fast-paced step-by-step technique because it encourages us to loosen up and not overwork our paintings. This workshop is intended for experienced beginners and intermediate level students. The artist will include lots of demonstrations and individual attention. A delicious lunch is included and will be catered both days. See below for supply list. 
$205 Members / $246 Non-Members 

Watercolor artist, Kari Anderson, has lived in Door County since 1980. She and her husband own an old one-room, turn of the century schoolhouse which is their home-sweet-home. She has over 30 years of experience in teaching watercolor to children and adults at public schools, The Peninsula School of Art and The Clearing in Ellison Bay.


Kari graduated from Madison Area Technical  College with a degree in Commercial Art and Design in 1976. She enjoyed the adventure of working in print and framing shops, many restaurants and galleries; and participating in art fairs and exhibitions, mostly in Door County.  1988 marked a transition point and new chapter, which introduced Motherhood and Artwork and working for herself ….a good chapter for her!

She painted watercolor, sketched illustrations and enjoyed fiber arts. Her lighthouse series in watercolor is often what she is recognized for as well as her long line of  notecards. What you may not know is that as  the daughter of knitter Carol Anderson, Kari has illustrated 35 pattern booklets of her mother’s "Cottage Creations" knitting patterns. Like her mother, Kari is a knitter as well.

Recently, she has slowed the pace a little bit, to be the grandma for two beautiful girls. "Life is good," says Kari! 

Art Supplies for Kari Anderson Watercolor Workshop 

*A few sheets of D’Arches 140# cold press watercolor paper 

(Instructor will have available for purchase at her cost in class) 

*A spray mist bottle, salt, soft pencils, soft erasers, an old toothbrush, masking tape, 1-2 drawing boards, big towel, paper towel, Kleenex, Pebeo masking fluid, Pearl-Ex pigment –Sparkle Gold color 

*Brushes  I use synthetic brushes- a 1 inch flat, a #8 round, and a #6 rigger or liner. Add whatever other brushes that you are comfortable with. 

*Paints Tube watercolors- Quinachrodone Gold, Hookers Green, Cerulean Blue, Scarlet Lake, French Ultramarine Blue, Winsor Violet, Naples Yellow.I recommend tube  watercolors. I use mostly Winsor/Newton paints. I like Lucas and Holbein paints as well. If you are new at this, perhaps you should start with Grumbacher Cotman grade paints.  That will save you some money. The colors are a bit weaker, and less permanent.You don’t need to have every color in the rainbow. Never buy black or white watercolor. 

*A palette with a lid is very useful. I like the Robert E Wood palette. It has 6 mixing areas and lots of deep paint wells. Remember that watercolor paint can be re-wet every time it dries out in the palette. 

5/2 & 5/3 Step by Step Watercolor with Kari Anderson



    Please note: All performance admissions and class registration fees are non-refundable, but may be transferrable to another person for the same event or class. Please contact the CCC at 262-375-3676 if you are unable to attend.

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