Basic Steps for Sketching Buildings/Structures in Pen & Ink & Watercolor with Ann Thomas
Saturday, July 20: 9:30 am-2:30 pm
Working outdoors in the nearby area of picturesque Cedarburg, we will be addressing easy perspective, breaking things down into shapes, shadow consideration and textures as we work in pen & ink and watercolor. Please see supply list below. Students should also bring photos to work from in case of inclement weather and lunches if they prefer.
$85 CCC Members / $102 Non-Members
Ann Thomas-Supply List
Option One -Waterproof (felt tip) ink pens in several size tips, a good one is Faber-Castell 4PITT Artist Pens, Black with S, M, F and B, small, medium, fine and brush. OR
Option Two - any portable sketch pen with waterproof ink, there are some very nice fountain pens that I use for sketching – example: Lamy pen, Noodler, Platinum Carbon Ink Pen, and one of my favorites the Very Fine Waterproof Sharpie pen.
Sketch pad, a size you are comfortable using, not too small please! with paper heavy enough to accept watercolor. I use an inexpensive 80 lb sketch or mixed media pad from Blick Art.
Soft pencils, sharpener and kneaded eraser
Small set of watercolors or watercolor pencils. Watercolor brushes in several sizes, I use a # 6 and #10 round with fine tips, 1 or 2 brushes are sufficient.
Rags or paper towel for cleanup
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Please note: All performance admissions and class registration fees are non-refundable, but may be transferrable to another person for the same event or class. Please contact the CCC at 262-375-3676 if you are unable to attend.
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